Monday 10 March 2008

Re: should be more like how?

You can't keep running away forever

I had to delete the previous post cause i shouldn't be questioning why? but how?.

I think me and John Mayer are going through the same thing at the moment only mines pretty much more emo but i'll just breathe.I guess he is too. Only he's pouring it all into a more lyrical context.Wait 'till his new album comes out with some new material all fit into one album and you'll get what i mean. Apakan?!haha Go read his blog lah ;p

Random quotes

"The opposite of love isn't hate-it's indifference. If you hate me,that means you still care" Desperate Housewife star,Marcia Cross

"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces people into thinking they can't lose" Bill Gates- favourite quote of the day;)

"Genius is immediate but TALENT takes time" novelist, Janet Flanner

Have a lovely week all.Salam