Saturday 13 September 2008

The Distance In Love Is A Difficult Thing

Caught up with an old friend recently,and she introduced this song to me.Coincidentally this song expresses how I've been feeling lately (as some of you may notice from my previous post).The people I love won't be here for a while.I feel as if i'm experiencing one of those moments where "my friends left me here to rot for the summer",only its going to be a loooong one even though it has ended.It seems like mine has just begun!*long sigh*
Someday Someday by Thirsty Merc

I know you gotta go to university and I'm just trying to make some cash to follow my dreams.
But please don't say we're too busy to give each other the time and support we need
I know we gotta work our jobs and make some money to get by in this expensive world.
Don't let that overtake the fact that before all that....